Product prices can be found in our shop.
Service prices are upon request and can be optained by filling in our contact form.
All product prices do not include shipping costs.
Products can be ordered and shipped wordwide, with origin of shipment being Belgium.
Shipping costs vary depending on the size and amount of products you order and on your delivery address.
This cost will be calculated once you proceed to ‘Cart’ and is based on current shipping rates imposed by Bpost (the general postal agency of Belgium) which can be found here:
! Note: Delivery outside of Europe
Please note, the shipping costs for outside of Europe do not include any eventual charges by the country, like duties, import VAT and customs handling fees. We are not responsible for those charges. To find out upfront if your order will be subject to import duties, we recommend you consult the local customs office for more information.
Giftvouchers, postcards and calendars are shipped without ‘Track & Trace’ number.
All other orders are shipped including a ‘Track & Trace’ number. This number will be sent to you through e-mail as soon as your order is completed and ready to be shipped.
Delevery times depend on available stock and your delivery zone:
Payment Options include:
(Bank transfer/visa/mastercard and Maestro payment options to be followed soon)
We only use 100% sustainable packaging materials to ship your order.
No plastic will be used to wrap any of our products.
For more questions, please fill in our contact form.
Final copies in our webshop: Nature Calendar 2025 "Ocean Wonders" Dismiss